"Proclaim The Gospel Without Fear!"
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Cities of Refugees

Why Muslims?

The Muslim people are earnest in desiring to please God, yet they have no knowledge of the Gift that leads to Eternal Life. Increasing numbers are looking for answers that will satisfy their hunger for God.

Muslim Populations Around the Globe

Indonesia 170 million
Pakistan 150 million
India 127 million
Bangladesh 110 million
France, Germany, UK 37 million
China 24 million
Russia 15 million
United States 10 million

“As a result, it has become clear throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else that I am in chains for Christ. And because of my chains, most of the brothers and sisters have become confident in the Lord and dare all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear.”
– Philippians 1:13-14

Daniel thoroughly understands the Muslim culture, faith and beliefs, and despite the persecution he’s endured for his Christian faith, he continues to have a heart for the Muslim nation.

His most recent book, Traitor, is an eye-opener which discusses critical issues regarding Islam, issues that most people have never talked about or are too ashamed to share with Muslims or other Christians.  He wrote this book to enable the body of Christ in America to wake up and witness to Muslims without fear.

  • The true story of a man whose life is forever changed by the love of Jesus Christ and his walk thru the difficulties associated in a transformed life – from sinner to saint, and from Muslim to Christian – a forbidden thing in the world of the Muslim. I was blessed by Daniel’s desire and willingness to share the love of Christ with anyone he met and how he handled living in the terrible conditions of a Muslim prison and God’s protection and blessing upon his life.

    – Kathleen Thom
  • What makes this book especially interesting to me is knowing this is the author’s own experience, not just a story from a good writer. My favorite part is when the author is being interrogated by the Deputy Attorney General in Egypt and has the boldness to ask the DAG three questions. The DAG had no good answers but learned some profound answers and what Jesus offers when he asked the author the same questions. I found this to be a very readable book; it’s informative not only about the author’s experiences in jail for “crimes” against Islam but also about several specific concerns about the religion of Islam.

    – G. Wauson
  • Traitor is a must read for every person living in our age of global terrorism. This gives the underlying root of terrorism. I will recommend this to everyone who I know.

    – David Benitoe
  • I would definitely recommend the class to anyone. I have learned so much since I’ve known you, both through conversation as well as in the class. I realize now how ignorant I was as far as the Middle East culture is concerned. When I met my Syrian neighbor/friend, she would mention Allah and one day I asked her, “Who is Allah?” because I wanted to know what kind of god Allah was, and she said he is the God that created everything, so I got a sense that they used the name Allah for our heavenly Father, later. I feel better equipped now than I did before.

    – Sister Elisa

Muslim Turns to Jesus

Understanding Islam

21st Century Prophet

Cornerstone Chapel

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